Hi all. This is just a quick post on a break from shoveling. We got (in my opinion) around 18 inches of the stuff! I'm really enjoying it. I'll be putting up a lot of pictures later but for right now I'll just put up one. This is of our back porch.

My life and my thoughts on what is happening
Posted by
at or approximately around the time of
10:52:00 AM
Don't exaggerate. It's "only" 15" or so.
You should see all the snow at my house. We have snow as far as the eye can see(that is an exaggeration). I have to be thankful for my Uncle coming out and plowing our driveway. If he had not, I would have had to shovel it by hand.
It's not exaggeration. It's more an optomistic estimate. :)
That's a lot of snow.
Our biggest drift is about 3.5' tall. Well, if you don't count the pile that was made from our neighbor plowing the driveway which I have pretty much hollowed out. That one's about 5.5' tall.
We, likewise, have lots of snow. I think that this snow fall was the closest I have come to to being in a blizzard! Or, maybe it's just because we have not had that much snow in a while that it seems worse than it is?!
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