Well, the title says it. I'm rather tired right now, but it's a good tired.
This morning we had our annual congregational meeting. We mainly discussed our building situation. For those of you who don't know, our building is so moldy and falling-apart that we've had to, temporarily at least, stop using it. Instead, we've been meeting in the local United Presbyterian church here in town. Well, at this meeting, we didn't really decide much, but we did get some work done. The best part was that God blessed us with unanimity much of the time, and cordiality and loving attitudes all the time. Oh, and please pray for us as a congregation, that (1) God would give us wisdom to know what to do and (2) that He would provide us with the unity to do this as a body.
After the meeting, I snarfed down a quick lunch and headed over to my best friend's house where we had a sledding party the entire afternoon. Plenty of people were there, and we all had a great time. Sledding, however, was only part of the fun. Besides that, we had a snowball fight (which my team won :) and a really enjoyable, although short, fellowship time afterwards. The sledding was really great, but we figured out how to make it even better: create chains of sleds! This gave us even faster speeds and even more wipeouts--in other words, lots of fun! I'll try to either put up some pictures or else link to another blog with the pictures.
After the sledding, we headed up to my friend's house for eats and fellowship. We ended up with homemade doughnuts and plenty of other goodies, including hot dogs just cooked over a campfire. After a while there, a family from church gave me a ride home, and since then, I've been simply lounging around. I need to get some work done, however, so I'll see you next time!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Busy Day
Posted by
at or approximately around the time of
8:03:00 PM
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//snerk// Ha, snarf!
Did you get that from Thundercats, by any chance?
Oh, and do you know Andrew's blog address? I didn't know he was even reading blogs until earlier today when he told me he'd found mine.
Yes I am being lazy instead of having asked him earlier. If you want, my lawyer's number is...
Actually, Sean, I don't have a blog. Mrs. M was just trying to get me to start one.
Also, I have a code name for internet use. I'll tell ya some time. (but if anyone knows it please don't say it cause I don't want to be linked to a real name, ID theft and such [ha, what would the steal from me?])(although the onwer of this blog has made that mistake before...)
We did have a good time out sledding. Do you think we could set something else like that up? Perhaps a camp-out? Will have to start thinking about it soon.
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