Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Great news!

The National Merit Foundation wouldn't let me publicly announce this until today. However, now that it's the 30th, I can tell anybody.

As many of you had probably known, I'd gotten National Merit Finalist. We found out about 5 weeks ago that I'd made it into the next and final cut, Scholar. Not all scholars get any money, but they've given me $2500 to use for schooling. As you might imagine, I'm really happy with this. Praise the Lord for His blessings like this!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Too long

Well, it has been too long. I'll summarize what's been going on in the past month and a half.
Church has been going quite well. We've been having some encouragements. We had a congregational meeting a few weeks ago. The congregation has been moving forward, and we enjoyed the benefit of a meeting that was wonderful due to the unanimity showed. A couple weeks ago, due to two families visiting the area, we had 66 people at church. That's the most that I remember having there in a long time. It was great. Hopefully, we'll soon be having that sort of attendance normally.
We're a bit behind in school, unfortunately. However, we're making steady progress on it. Hopefully, we can get done before too late into summer. :P
Flying has been going well. I'm working on getting checked out in the Star, a 4-seater. It's quite fun. Soon after getting the checkout in the plane, I'm hoping to take a bunch of friends up. :)
I'll finish up tomorrow with more. Night! :)