I made only two more purchases for myself--two little hand-carved and hand-painted fish, a quarter each. I'm planning on using them as Christmas tree ornaments. They are kinda neat-looking...
That's pretty much everything on Saturday.
Sabbath, we had unusually good attendance. Due to a few people that live a long ways away (Detroit and Pittsburgh) we were better than normal, especially since all the "regulars" were there. We also had our monthly dinner after worship.
I'm going to start a couple things. First, I'll be putting, on every post, an aviation-related video. However, I'm also going to start putting in a short, and I mean short, synopsis of the sermons. Remember, if you want to hear more, go to SermonAudio.com and search for Belle Center.
The early service sermon was on 2 Timothy 3:15-17. Basically, Dad's starting a new series on Christian Basics. As anyone familiar with these verses could probably figure out, it was on the inerrancy of Scripture. Isn't it great, knowing that the only truly essential thing that we need is that which we are assured to be perfect?
Later, we studied John 12:37-41. In this passage, Christ basically gives up on the Jews. In some ways, this passage is horrifying. Even though He did many wondrous things in front of them, they could not and would not accept. For, "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, lest they should see with their eyes, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them." God has decided against them. Why? Why not? He would be just in treating all of us in this way. Yet, in His mercy, He has seen fit to turn many of us away, to open our eyes, and to soften our hearts. Do you have any blessings He has given you lately? NOTHING is so great as this one tremendous blessing. Nothing. However, unfortunately, those which used to be the nation of the LORD now follow tradition or modern gods, such as money and power. Please, pray for the salvation of the Jews! We are commanded to by Scripture.
OK. The rest of Sabbath was spent on talking with friends and then staying up till 1 AM on Monday having fun playing pool over IM with Milkdud. I won most of the time. :)
Today was busy. I had a bunch of stuff to do before the parade, and I got almost all of it done. I was ready, in uniform, when people started arriving. We were only missing one person that we were expecting for the parade, and we had one show up that I wasn't totally expecting. We eventually evened out. We attempted to keep in step, but, since we'd only practiced together once, it didn't turn out to be the best job. Oh well. Here's a pic.
After the parade, we went out to the cemetery for the dedication. Here are a few more pictures.

Overall, it was a great day. The weather was nearly perfect, my Uncle Charlie and Aunt Debbie were up for the day, and I got to shoot about 400 rounds of airsoft BB's! It's been really nice. Lastly, I topped off the great day with a really enjoyable conversation over IM with Milkdud.
OK. Here's the video. I love the satisfying "chirp" of the tires as the plane touches down. The only problem that I'm noticing in the approach is that the pilot's coming in a little low and slow, forcing a slight power increase just before touchdown. Oh well. I just hope I can do half this well the first time I try landing! Anyways, I'm off to bed. Good night!
Do you know what plane this guy is flying?
Cessna 172.
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