OK. I've been busy since last Monday. Quite. :)
Tuesday was day-long work on my Eagle stuff, mostly with the project book. It's a booklet used to complete the Eagle Scout project, and I had to get it ready to go by Tuesday night. So, that was Tuesday! :)
Wednesday was also a lot of work. I/we were up until after 0030 working on the book and getting it ready to go. Prayer meeting was one of the few brief respites I had all day from the project. Now, the reason I had to get the book ready to go by 0030? You're about to find out why...
On Thursday, I had my Scoutmaster Conference for Eagle! Even though Dad's the scoutmaster and he's allowed to do the SMC, I just felt kinda weird doing it, and Mr. Watson didn't mind the practice. :) After that, we came back up to near home and had the Troop Committee Chairman sign off on my Eagle Scout Application. Finally, we headed down to Springfield, an hour south of here, to the council offices. There, we turned in the application and picked up a bunch of "reference letters." These are given to people who know me and are willing to, as one man put it, "give me a character." :) Since I'm wanting to have the Board of Review on June 22, which is both my mom's birthday and two years to the day after Nathaniel earned Eagle, I'm needing to get everything done quickly. It looks like we're on track, thankfully.
Alrighty. After all the running around on Thursday, we did some school! The first that week. Sigh. Oh well. On Thursday and Friday, we finished up the last two chapters of Chemistry. Good! :) Now, all I have left is literature, which isn't too difficult.
Saturday was pretty nice. I didn't have a ton to do, so I was able to laze around some, although I did need to get some more work done on finishing up the project, such as writing thank-you notes. After that, we went down to Watsons' house for the graduation party for their oldest daughter. That was quite fun, since the weather was really nice and we were outside most of the time. There were a few guys there that I don't get to see too often, so it was nice.
Sabbath was good, as usual. The sermons were excellent, as was the attendance. We had Mortons over for dinner, which, as usual, was enjoyable, and we had a Psalm sing. Overall, the day was, humanly speaking, very good.
Sabbath was good, as usual. The sermons were excellent, as was the attendance. We had Mortons over for dinner, which, as usual, was enjoyable, and we had a Psalm sing. Overall, the day was, humanly speaking, very good.
The early afternoon sermon was on John 20:24-29. Dad's continuing the series on Christian Basics, and this was on The Good News. It focused on who Christ was and is, what He did, and what we need to do with that knowledge. I've been praying that this series would be very useful on Sermon Audio, and it might do you well to be doing so too!
The evening sermon was on John 12:42-43. It was about "Fearful Fools", those Pharisees who loved the praise of man more than the praise of God. Now, before you condemn them too much, think about it. How many times have we done the same thing? In some ways, every single time we decide to skip the Bible reading to catch that favorite TV show, to skip witnessing to a friend because you might be ridiculed, or anything like that, we do the same thing. Lord, help us to be doing this less and less!
Yesterday was Literature and mowing and airsoft. Literature and mowing are obvious. Airsoft isn't. As you may remember, I got an airsoft pistol a little over a week ago. Well, it was pretty underpowered. The model advertises 180 feet per second, using .12 gram BB's. I was using .20 gram BB's. It wasn't all that great. I ended up trying out a straw with the BB's, and found out that my little peashooter/blowgun (!) had more speed and accuracy than the pistol! So, I sold the pistol to Sean, the guy I link to, and bought a new (for me) pistol yesterday. However, that one broke as I handed the money to the guy! He let me bring it back home and try to work on it. When you pull the trigger, it pulls a bar forward that releases the hammer, allowing it to release the spring, which shoots the BB. I needed to decrease the distance the bar had to travel. That was interesting, but I got it going. The new one is quite powerful! Whereas the old one couldn't even make it through light notebook paper, this one propels the BB through standard or even construction paper! It's also much quicker to operate. Overall, I can't wait (well, I can) to get into Airsoft combat with this one!

Using the webcam for forced perspective. I thought it was kinda neat. :)
Here's the video. Make sure your speakers are on--it sounds great! I've gotta go get mowing, so I'll end the post. Bye!
Too bad the silly gun broke. Looked cool, anyway. Just goes to show that looks aren't everything. It's the internal that really shines forth or stinks, as the case may be. Just like with people.
nice video. post more frequently. what is up with the noise clip
Kill the noise.
Your (now nearly deaf) uncle.
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