Friday, June 22, 2007


I just realized it's been a week since I last posted. That wasn't supposed to happen. Sorry. :(

Happy birthday, Mom!!! :)

I'm just going to do a quick summary of the past week or so. I've been done with school, and we've been doing almost no mowing, since the rain hasn't cooperated much lately. However, that's all in God's control, which is good, because no man could ever control the weather properly! :)

Sabbath was a little bit different than expected. We'd been planning on having the Mortons over for lunch, but they weren't able to make it, so we ended up having Sean, his aunt, his grandma, and another woman and her granddaughter from church over instead. As well, another family wasn't able to make it to church, so we had much lower attendance than usual. However, on the other extreme, there's to be a baptism this next Lord's Day, and there'll be plenty of family in from out of town, so probably the attendance this week will make up for last week! :)

I've been working a bit here and there on finishing up my Eagle Scout. Everything is pretty much ready to go, which is a good thing, because my Board of Review is in (from the time that I'm writing this part here) a little over 4 3/4 hours. It's been rescheduled for 1700. If you see this before then, please pray that I'll be comfortable with it! I've not really been nervous much up to this point, but I've noticed that this morning and afternoon, I've been thinking a lot about a few questions that they'll probably ask. Oh well. I'm (generally) confidant that it'll go well. I'll put up a post later today with the results.

Also, the other big thing coming up is on Monday of next week, the 25th. I've got an introductory flight scheduled out at the airport. Yet again, please pray that it will go well! I don't anticipate any big problems, but then it won't be a piece of cake, either, since I've only once really flown a plane, and several years ago to boot.

The last couple days have had four big parts to them. I've helped weed the garden, which was indeed a big part of the day :), ridden around with a friend in his new go-kart, taken my across-the-street neighbors down to the park in the evening, which they really enjoyed, and finally played Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. Real productive use of time, right? :) Seriously, I've been enjoying having no Eagle (much) to work on, no school, and no mowing.

However, this post has gone on for a little longer than I had budgeted time for, so I need to get going and deliver a thank-you note. Bye!

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