Well, as you probably saw on the last post, I finally "took the plunge", even though it wasn't a plunge. :) Also, one quick thing--I have a link now to the airport's managing company website on the links area. Check it out if you want!
The lesson was supposed to start at around 1000. We didn't actually get going on it until 1010, when Dustin (my instructor) and I talked for a little while and got to know each other. After that, we went out to the aircraft and did an in-depth preflight. We started out in the cockpit, where he showed me the basic controls and instruments. After that, we did a preflight in the cockpit, and then outside the airplane.
We finished the preflight, got the keys and a couple other things, then got in the plane. We did the startup, checked out a few things, then Dustin said he'd taxi (steer on the ground) the plane for the first little bit, then let me take over. By the way, this is a two-seater plane. I was in the left seat--the pilot's seat! :)
Well, we got out to the runway and held short while we did what's called the run-up, which is just basically revving the engine for about 15 seconds to make sure everything's working. Then, Dustin said, "Now, Isaac, you're going to say over the radio, 'Bellefo-'". At this point I interrupted with, "I do it?!" and he said yes indeed. He coached me on what to say, I said it a couple times, and then, after saying it and forgetting to hit the button to actually send over the radio (!), I really said over the radio, "Bellefontaine Regional Airport, Diamond Eclipse two zero three delta charlie taking off runway two-five, Bellefontaine." Boy, it was great! I taxiied onto the runway, he gave me a quick briefing on what to do, and said, "Your go, whenever you're ready." I quickly prayed and then moved the throttle forward. Boy, it sure accelerated! We got down the runway quickly, and as the airspeed indicator moved past 55 knots, I pulled back on the stick. Suddenly, the low wheel rumble was no more, and I was flying. WOW! I've never felt like that before. It was great.
We established a good climb and used the GPS to head towards Belle Center. When we got there, Dustin took control and circled a couple times so I could get some pictures. After I was done snapping photos, I took control back and we flew over to Indian Lake, then back to the airport. I flew into what's called the traffic pattern, with Dustin handling the radio by now, and headed towards the runway. I controlled the plane, but Dustin controlled the throttle, which is like the gas pedal.
We landed and taxiied back. After a short debrief, I went out to take some pictures, then Mom picked me up. I'll show the pictures now.

Belle Center from the air. The red arrow shows my house.

More of Belle Center. This red arrow shows our current meeting place for church.

My house area. Yet again, red arrow.

Me in the plane. This was the only picture I didn't take.

This is the left side of the instrument panel. The gauge with the brown and blue, the artificial horizon, is that way because the engine's not running. Don't worry-the plane isn't flying like that! :)
Cargo area behind the seats.
Well, that's that for the flight. Today, I picked up a training packet, with a lot of books and study guides. I also got registered for the airport's website, so I can see the airport schedule and put in for a lesson online from my computer. Really nice! :) My next lesson is supposed to be next Monday at 1300.
We mowed a bit and I read and watched a movie. That was pretty much, other than the flying, Monday and Tuesday for me. Also, we had the troop meeting tonight. We had another troop meet with us, since they're going to summer camp with us. Other than a couple routine problems, the meeting was nicely uneventful.
Well, I need to get to bed. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the pictures. I can't wait to get up again. Good night!
1 comment:
Such enthusiasm! Sounds like you had a wonderful time!
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