Sorry. I've been busy, but I could have put up a post. Oh well. You ready for a long post? If so, get readier--this is a very long post. I think. :) OK. I'll start with fourteen days ago. That was my main workday for my Eagle Scout project. Just so you remember, my project is this: researching the Killed in Action from my township and village, then getting the names engraved on a monument out at the local cemetery. Well, we dug the whole hole and poured the concrete. It was interesting, hard work, but I'm really happy to have it done. Here are the pics.
My monument's gone in just to the right of this.
The monument next to mine.
The work crew. You can see, in Bumpas' hand, what we're about to be doing! :)
Bumpas breaking the ground up and getting it ready to dig more out.
Work crew getting dirt into the wheelbarrow.
Me measuring the hole to figure out how much more we have to do.
Nathaniel digging while Mr. Soma, our across-the-street neighbor, leans on the posthole digger.
Mr. Soma evening up the edges
Nathaniel having fun.
The nearly finished, or possibly finished, hole.
Good ol' country truck. It got the job done quite well, though.
All our tools. The water isn't for drinking, so don't worry! :)
Mixing concrete. No, I don't know why i wasn't actually mixing at this point.
The hole nearly filled.
Almost done.
It's finished!
The full crew. Nice hat, Dad! :)
Well, that was it for then. Last Sabbath I already covered. So, we're on to last Monday.
Nothing much happened then, even including schoolwork. :(
Tuesday was pretty much the same. Mowing, schoolwork, and a scout meeting. We finished up our climbing theme, which then culminated in a climbing trip on Friday evening. However, I'll get to that later...
Wednesday--same 'ol same 'ol. We did have prayer meeting, complete with good attendance.
Thursday--I think you can guess. :)
That was quick.
Friday was busy. We got going on schoolwork, mowing, and then one more thing. Our troop went climbing on a climbing wall here in the county. I'm only going to include a few pictures of this.
Nathaniel going up.
Bumpas 2 (younger brother) going up. Considering it was his first time, he did very well.
Me going up one part. I know the knee socks look dorky, but they gave the flexibility of shorts and the protection of pants (almost!)
Bumpas climbing.
Milkdud coming down on the left with another guy going up on the right.
Me bouldering. Basically, this is climbing done no higher than nine feet. You aren't belayed at all. This is over eight inches of rubber shavings, so it's a gentle landing. Anyway, I'm in the cave, which slopes back. The camera's level. :)
Me going up the hardest part, which I did manage to complete.
OK. Saturday wasn't much. Actually, I don't really remember much anything big.
The Lord's Day was, as usual, edifying and enjoyable. Except for one family that wasn't able to make it, we had usual attendance at church. Also, today, Mrs. Soma, our across-the-street neighbor, gave birth to baby #4, Gideon. Both are doing quite well.
Monday, mowing and school. However, since it was the third Monday of the month, it, along with the first, was a Cub Scout meeting night. This week, I pretty much ran most of the meeting. After a few announcements and a couple quick activities, we all went down to the soccer fields and I ran about an hour of rocket launching. We only ended up losing one rocket, which was better than I was hoping for! :)
Tuesday, mowing and school. Also, of course, we had a troop meeting. It was mainly focusing on marching, since we're getting ready for the Memorial Day parade here in Belle Center.
Wednesday, school, mowing, and Prayer Meeting. It wasn't as well attended as sometimes, especially since Somas weren't here. The reason is pretty obvious... :)
Thursday, we got to go bowling. I ended up my last game with a score of 147 or something like that--my best ever score! :) Of course, there was mowing and school later as well.
Yesterday was busy. I'm really glad for everything that happened yesterday. Why? The monument for my Eagle Scout Project is in! :D Pictures, of course, will follow...
The finished base. Really, it isn't this mottled.
Monument about to be unloaded.
Getting it onto a hand cart.
My first good look at the monument itself.
Lowering it onto the base.
Back of the monument.
Polishing the monument. Believe it or not, they used Windex to polish! :)
The front of the monument.
My beaming family. I think we're all a bit relieved! :D
From the ground.
OK. That's about it. Yardsales were all over town on Saturday, but I didn't get much. I did get a pretty good airsoft pistol for $5, though. It'll need some work, but I'm up to it (I think!)
One other piece of good news-I got the SAT scores back Saturday, with a solid overall score of 2210. Praise the LORD for helping me to do so well!
I'll leave you with this video. Hope you like it. I'll post more regularly now that the Eagle project is about done, and, thankfully, school's almost done too.
Mr.Soma actually let you take his picture??!!
Well, he didn't seem to squawk too much about it. Maybe, after working a lot, he was too tired to protest! :)
i did not do well in my c.a.t.
isaac my blog name is lilbump
Either that or he just "squawks" about when we take his picture!?
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