So I will. There won't be a ton of time for an update, but I will be doing some.
Aviation has been taking up most of my life recently. I'm working on finishing up my Instrument Rating, which effectively allows me to fly in clouds/reduced visibility. Since having this rating would really make my flying a lot more useful for transportation, I'm looking forward to getting it. I'm also looking forward to getting done simply because the large amounts of study can be over. :D
Since I'm hopefully going to be taking the written test this week, I've been studying a ton for it. I recently bought a book that has approximately 400 pages of FAA test questions. It's interesting to go through it. Hopefully, it's also useful.
In the last month, I've learned a ton about flying. Working with an experienced pilot as my instructor is great, simply because he has so much time working in the system. I'm able to learn so much from him. About two weeks ago, for example, I got my first experience flying in IMC, instrument meteorological conditions. Otherwise, in this case, known as clouds. It was so much fun! Unfortunately, we were only able to stay in them about a half hour, since we started picking up a light amount of ice. When that starts happening, you really need to skedaddle outa there. Ice buildup can increase your drag and decrease your lift faster than you might think possible. The amount of ice we were picking up would have taken quite a while to do that, but, still, discretion is the better part of valor.
So, since that's it for the aviation, lemme bring you up to speed with Scouts. Not sure if I've mentioned this on my blog or not, but, since I turned 18 in January, I've been continuing to be active, right now with three different units. I'm officially an Assistant Cubmaster with Cub Scout Pack 51 here in Belle Center. Really enjoying it, too. I'm unofficially functioning like an Assistant Scoutmaster for my troop, but not officially. I am a registered Merit Badge counselor for a few things, though.
The new big thing with Scouts is that I've signed up with a new unit here in Logan County. I've joined what's called a Venture Crew. Basically, Venturing is a program for a little bit older youth, put on by BSA, designed to give teens a safe and fun environment to make new friends while trying out new outdoor adventures. It's for young men and young women ages 14-20. Since I'm leaving for college in August, I'm not going to be able to be active for long. However, since I have a lot of experience with Scouts in general, I joined up to be able to help get the crew started. So far, it's been plenty of fun, especially our first trip. It consisted of a 12-mile bike trip along a designated bike trail. Other than others being a little bit slower than I normally ride (14-16 MPH) it was great fun. The slowness didn't really bother me, but I teased a few people about it anyway. They teased back about something else, so we were even. :D
About the only other big exciting thing that happened recently is that I've been accepted to go this summer to a program called TFY. It stands for Theological Foundations for Youth. Basically, it's a 19-day program put on by our denomination at our seminary in Pittsburgh. During this program, everyone who goes will learn massive amounts about systematic theology, apologetics, evangelism, church history, etc. Effectively, it's a mini crash course in seminary. :D I'm looking forward to it a ton.
I believe that's about it for now. I'll do my best to remember to update more often. Instead of letting that be an empty promise/threat (however you want to take it), I'll attempt to fulfill it this time.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Well, I should put up a non-test post...
Posted by
at or approximately around the time of
9:52:00 AM
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