Thursday, February 28, 2008
It's been under a week--weird, ain't it?
Posted by
at or approximately around the time of
11:00:00 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Out of jail!
School's been going well. Since last week we did nothing, we've been trying to make a comeback. We've succeeded, mostly. I think we're on track for this week, so we only added another week to the behindness. Oh well. We'll get done eventually. I had one really good math test, and one not so good physics test. They averaged out. :P
Posted by
at or approximately around the time of
9:53:00 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Going to jail this morning... I'll let everyone know what's going on when I get back.
Posted by
at or approximately around the time of
8:13:00 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008
We're back.
As the title says...
Basically, Nathaniel had another seizure. It wasn't one of the major ones. He's doing fine now.
After the seizure occured, he went to a local hospital's emergency room for a while. After some testing, he was released. Other than the fact that he's in no immediate danger, that's about all we know. Hopefully, the neurologist will be able to shed some more light on the situation.
We got out there around 2000 on Saturday evening. After talking with Nathaniel a while, Mom and Dad went up to Rose Point (next county north) to stay with my grandpa, while I got to stay at Geneva. Since Nathaniel had permission to violate the fire code for a night, we got a spare mattress from the across-the-hall neighbor (who doesn't have a roommate) and I slept on that, in the middle of the floor. :)
That evening was really nice, since we got to hang out with some Indiana friends. Hansons from Southside were out. Actually, it was they who helped out a ton with Nathaniel--they'd noticed his having the seizure, and they took him out to the hospital, and even brought him back! Thanks!
Anyway, we got to hang out with them and Nathaniel's roommate, Luke Dinkledine, for a couple hours. It was really great.
Well, Sabbath was good (as normal). Since we were in PA, we all went to Eastvale RPC, Nathaniel's home congregation when he's at school. That was really good--everyone there is always great to talk to, and, more importantly, the service (since it was through Christ) was glorifying to God, and the sermon was quite edifying. That evening, since they don't have an evening service, we attended the Bible study, which was also quite excellent.
Sabbath night, I stayed across the hall from Nathaniel, since nobody wanted the fire code broken much. The guy whose room I stayed with is a pretty good friend, one that I've known for several months (through Nathaniel, of course), so we had a nice time. However, I woke up the next morning with... *drum roll*
Thankfully, it didn't hit too quickly. Mom and Dad also thought they had it, although lighter, so we decided to come home. The trip seemed to take forever, but we got back safely.
Tuesday was really bad for me. High fever and lots of acheing all day long. Not fun.
Yesterday, and continuing into today, I've been recovering. I still have this cough that's really annoying. However, it's had the benefit of getting me used to Robitussin. I really don't like that stuff, but it's getting more bearable.
That's our news. One last thing--I just did some flying on my flight simulator here on the computer. I flew a precision instrument approach into Dayton International Airport while in bad weather. Basically, without looking at anything but stuff on the instrument panels (except for the last little bit), I landed a plane. It was cool. Now, I wanna do some more practice of this in real life. :)
Good night all! Sorry this post is later than promised--flu slows you down a lot.
Posted by
at or approximately around the time of
12:14:00 PM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
I was planning on posting today, but not about this...
We had a call earlier from Nathaniel. Sounds like he's had another seizure, not quite as intense as a couple years ago. He's at Beaver Valley Medical Center right now getting some examinations. We're leaving in a few minutes for PA. We really have no clue if it's serious or not, but, just in case, we're going out. Please be in prayer for everyone involved--Nathaniel, us, the medical personnel, etc. I'll post more when 1) I know more and 2) I get the chance.
Christ is over all.
Posted by
at or approximately around the time of
3:35:00 PM
Friday, February 1, 2008
Hey, I'm posting!
Alrighty. Things significant in the two weeks since the previous post...
Well, I've flown once. I picked up a guy from church and went up to Bowling Green. I picked up something around two hours cross-country time as Pilot in Command. I need to build up fifty total hours, and I'm sitting on around twenty. Not too bad.
I've also been working on getting checked out to rent the airport's Diamond Star. It's a four-seater, complete with what's called a "glass cockpit." The Eclipse, which I normally fly, has all the instruments in a standard dial format, sorta like a standard watch. Well, if the Eclipse is like a standard watch, the Star is a digital watch. Most all of the instrument panel is two ten-inch displays. It's pretty complex (until you figure it out), but it's really powerful. I was rather amazed the other day when I got to get in it and spend about ninety minutes just learning about it by pushing and pulling buttons. It's a bit more capable than anything I've ever used before. I can't wait to take the plane up. :)
Church has been going well. Nothing new really. The sermon series have been quite good. The psalm meditation last week was quite good. Christ is still blessing us. Please be praying, though, that we would have more people coming, both those who know Christ and those who don't.
I'm really not coming up with a ton of other stuff to be posting. I'll try to post more regularly. I know, I say that a bunch, but oh well...
Video of the post. Hold on a second. Gotta upload a video to Youtube, one that I've been needing to for a while.
Posted by
at or approximately around the time of
10:04:00 PM