Leave your opinion in the comments.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
These guys are either total geniuses (geniusi?) or total idiots!
Posted by
at or approximately around the time of
10:39:00 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008
Six days more!
However, not everybody thinks this way. Like my mom, I do inwardly cringe when I hear people call it "Turkey Day" and only mean that. They're missing out on what it should be. A gift from God in which to be thankful for all that He's done. I realize that it isn't a day established by direct revelation of God. However, it seems clear to me that it should be recognized as His gift.
Well, changing subjects. Since last post, I've finished my first college class. The official grade isn't released yet, but I do know that the grade at the end of the course was 94.59 %. The professor was going to also drop the lowest quiz score in each category (each chapter had three quizzes--multiple choice, true and false, and final [normally just more problems than simply questions]), so this will probably help the score a little bit better. Accounting really isn't my favorite subject, so I'm glad to be 1/3 done with it! :) I've already enrolled for the next class, ACC 112 (instead of ACC 111) that will be done in the winter quarter.
I've also kept busy with work. Things have been going mostly well there, and, as ever, quite busy.
Last Saturday, I was able to go over to a friend's house and watch a movie with him and a couple of his younger siblings. We watched "We Were Soldiers" with Mel Gibson. As always, it makes me appreciate even more both those who served in our country's battles and those who had loved ones serving. Nobody watched expect me had seen it before, and everybody agreed it was a good movie, aside of course from the rather atrocious language. At least, however, in movies of this sort, the language is reflecting reality instead of being thrown in gratuitously to simply fit in with the mainstream. The violence, while graphic, is also at realistic levels. Overall, I'd recommend it to someone that would like to see a reasonably accurate portrayal of early Vietnam. It's not for younger children, though. Or for the particularly squeamish, either.
I also got to do something else pretty fun last week... last Thursday evening, I believe. The local homeschool group had a square dance, which I got to attend. It's a great way to get to know people, a great way to get (lots) of exercise, and a great way to have fun. The best dance is always the Virginia Real/Reel. Not sure which one... and I'm too tired to look it up right now. It's really a TON of fun. The Popcorn is also great, until when they start speeding it up. I don't have quite what it takes to keep going when they speed it up to at least 2 times the normal speed. :P
Well, I think that's all that I have for right now. I need to be getting up early enough tomorrow to eat, fix a lunch, and be in at work by 8:00. So, I'll be departing here. Hopefully this post is enough to last people for a while. :D
Posted by
at or approximately around the time of
10:23:00 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I'm trying to come up with a witty title, but I'm not having any success.
I really found this observation interesting. On Monday of last week, I wore shorts to work. Tuesday too. Wednesday too. Then, by Saturday, I was wearing my winter coat outside. And gloves. And I was cold. I must live in Ohio.
I'm thinking of putting up a bunch of pictures. I don't have time for many, but I'll put in some. These are from different days at work. Some are pictures of airplanes, some are pictures of sunsets, and some are pictures of other things. :P
This is the Beech Duke. It flew up from Florida, non-stop. I've gotten to fill it up two times so far. :D
Posted by
at or approximately around the time of
11:21:00 PM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Pray for our country!
We need it.
Posted by
at or approximately around the time of
11:38:00 PM