Well. Letsee. What have I been doing lately? School for starters. That's been going well, although we're slightly behind. Other than that... aviation stuff, scout stuff (including, now, popcorn sales), and mowing. I'll add more to that list soon. However, for the time being, I'll have a section on each of these things.
First off, church. It wasn't on that list, but oh well. We've been doing well. Just in this last week, we received a large gift of money, and just today six people have passed examination for church membership. The LORD is blessing our congregation! Please, everyone that reads this, be praying that He will bless us more! Our town (of around 900 people) is largely composed of people that either never go to church, or are the seeds in the thorns. Belle Center RPCNA has been put in Belle Center for a reason, and that reason is assuredly known by God. Please pray that He would make it clear to us, and what His will for us in this area is.
OK. On to schoolwork. I'm doing a bunch of stuff. Main subjects are British Literature, Pre-Calculus, US Government, Physics, and English. As well, I'm doing advanced vocabulary, applied math (like currently, mathematics of insurance and accounting), and other things that I'm currently at 10:11 PM not remembering. I'm doing pretty well with it. The pre-calc is challenging--it's introducing plenty of new things that I take a little longer to wrap my brain around. However, everything's mostly been easy to understand (after reading it carefully two or three times :) Oh yeah, Mom's counting Aviation Sciences, which leads me nicely to the next topic.
Well. I've been having fun with flying. A lot of fun. I'm more and more convinced that God is wanting me to make a career of it.

I just got a new headset. I took this picture with my webcam about 2 minutes ago. Anyway, the headset's really nice. I've used it only once though. :( Brand new, it would be over three hundred, and I got it off of Ebay for around 240. :)
Since the last post, which was the solo video, I've soloed a couple more times. I've flown to Bowling Green, north of here about 67 nautical miles, twice. Once was with the instructor, and we didn't do much but land, taxi back to the start of the runway, and take off again and head for home. The second time, I went solo, and stayed at the airport for about 15 minutes, getting a couple small bags of Doritos and drinking a 20 oz. bottle of the Nectar of Life (it's not really that; just a fun title) Mountain Dew. I also later that day flew over a friend's house and, since I'd called his family before, they were out waving at me. I could see them, and waggled the wings a little bit at them before heading back to the airport. Anyway. Yesterday I flew out to Muncie, IN, with an instructor. A couple weeks ago, I went to Mansfield, OH, at night, with an instructor. Boy, it's been great.
Also, we went to a big airshow at Rickenbacker Airport in Columbus, OH. There were over 100 P-51's there. I've got a few pictures that I'll put up.
Memphis Belle, the most famous B-17 ever. Not the original. :(
Scouts hasn't been too much lately. After leaving the airshow, we went straight to a Camporee, which is a campout for troops from 3 different counties, and we have competitions, etc. Well, our patrol placed 1st out of 13. As well, I was the main bugler, which was fun, and I ran the campfire program, which was really fun! :) I also got a Bronze Palm recently, which is a further award past Eagle, basically given for continued leadership and more merit badges. I'm also selling popcorn. If you're interested, gimme an email or phone call. I can probably sell you some. :)
Mowing is the same as usual.
I think I'm done. Here's a video of the F-22 demonstration. Good night!
F-22. Wow. Speaking as an aviator, although not a very experienced one, this plane just shouldn't be able to do some of these things. Period. Wow. No wonder this thing is so capable. Watch it.
Ahh Have fun with Brit. Lit.
Do you have to write essays?
Not really, except on the tests. I'm quite thankful for this fact. :)
I can imagine flying is fun/stressful at times.
Ok, I think I just added the F22 to my long and expensive wish list ;)
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